The Heritage of the South
The Heritage of the South
The Heritage of the South is a book written by Jubal Early. It was published in January, 1867. The book is about the history of Virginia and other southern states through the Civil War. This book also discusses how slavery was abolished during the time of the Civil War.
Early begins by discussing the ways in which Virginia differed from other states that were considered to be northern or southern after the United States of America was formed. He then discusses the reasons that Virginia seceded from the Union, touching upon slavery largely throughout. Then Early goes into great depth about life in Virginia before and during the war, including information about Native Americans who previously lived in Virginia and early European settlers. He also discusses life within slaveholders' society, along with notable historical figures prior to the Civil War era.
As a Confederate soldier himself, Early talks about specific battles from a first-hand account. Then, he talks about the destruction that both sides brought upon Virginia during the war, including the lack of crops due to people being away at war for long periods of time. He also discusses how northern newspapers portrayed southern prisoners of war by stressing their barbaric nature. Early concludes his book with his own personal opinions about what should be done in order to bring peace back to Virginia and the rest of the United States.
Early was notable for his postwar resistance to southern reintegration into the Union. He never surrendered and fled to Mexico and Canada. When Early returned to Virginia he took pride in being an "Unreconstructed Rebel" and helped establish the Lost Cause historical position.