The Gallic Wars
The Gallic Wars
Three Roman aristocrats have formed a partnership to seize more power and wealth out of the Roman Empire. Pompey the Great, Marcus Crassius, and Julius Caesar have created the First Triumvirate in order to pursue their interests. Through the Triumvirate Caesar plots to get himself appointed as the Roman Proconsul for the provinces of Cisalpine Gaul, Illyricum, and Transalpine Gaul. He uses his position to initiate a war with the Germanic tribes who are migrating into Transalpine Gaul, displacing Gallic tribes allied to Rome.
Caesar quickly finds himself in a quagmire of tribal alliances and native Gallic resentment to the Roman presence. Campaigning takes Caesar across the entirety of modern-day France, over the Rhine into modern day Belgium, and across the English Channel, into the unexplored mythical island of Britannia, inhabited by savage race of Druid priests who specialize in human sacrifice. Roman encroachment, and Caesars high handedness, pushes the Gallic tribes into a confederation bent on removing Roman influence from the land. The story climaxes with the Battle of Alesia, where the fate of Gaul will be decided.