The Evolution of Modern Medicine
The Evolution of Modern Medicine
The Evolution of Modern Medicine by William Osler In 1913, Sir William Osler gave a series of lectures at Yale. The subject was the evolution of modern medicine from the pre-Greek period up until the onset of World War I. The length and breadth of the ground Osler covered were breathtaking and earned him the nickname "the father of modern clinical medicine." The lectures were handed to posterity in the form of a book, and readers for over a century have marveled at Osler’s intellect and insight. Osler himself described the book as “an airplane flight over the progress of medicine through the ages.”
It may be more apt to call it a rollercoaster tour through the history of Western civilization and science as a whole. From the Roman Empire through the Dark Ages and to the Renaissance, Osler draws upon immense reservoirs of knowledge and research to explain how plagues, poverty, superstition, wars, religion, and cultural stagnation have all contributed to the evolution of modern medicine. Written for both medical minds and laymen, The Evolution of Modern Medicine is an engaging and easy read. The ideas and arguments within its pages continue to breathe new life into any debate surrounding the use, principle, philosophy, and life-affirming qualities of medicine.