The Aeneid
The Aeneid
Hector is dead, King Priam is dead, the city of Troy has fallen after the long war with the Greek army led by Agamemnon. Prince Aeneas must escape the burning city with as many survivors as he can. With the old Trojan world destroyed, the survivors must find a new land to build a future for themselves and their descendants.
The Aeneid tells the story of the exiled prince Aeneas as he journeys with the survivors of Troy across the Mediterranean in search of a new home. The land in Carthage and are given refuge from Queen Dido, but Aeneas must make the decision between the love of Dido and a comfortable life in Carthage and the future greatness of his people.
Virgil wrote this epic poem in the early first century, adding to the foundation myth of Rome. Adding a ancient Trojan lineage to the city state, and explaining the later mortal rivalry that existed between Carthage and Rome. The poem has been interpreted as propaganda written in support of Augustus, the Roman Emperor at the time.