Susan B. Anthony
Susan B. Anthony
Lutz’s biography on Susan B. Anthony of the same title continues to be praised for its vivid descriptions, meticulous attention to detail, and historical significance in relation to the women’s suffragette movement. These are some of the best reasons why Lutz’s version stands out as one of the greatest biographies on Anthony.
Through this biography, Anthony comes to life, and by the time the reader is finished with the book, they’ll feel like they know her well on a personal level. By giving the reader an intimate view into Anthony's world, Lutz reveals how the character of her subject was formed, and what values and social conditions influenced Anthony's mindset, goals, and motivations.
Anthony was far from perfect, and Lutz does not mince words, downplay, or excuse any of those weaknesses. However, she also does not paint Anthony in a negative light. Reading "Susan B. Anthony" transports the reader into the world of the outspoken anti-slavery crusader and champion of women’s civil and political rights. Lutz’s depiction of Anthony is a masterful narrative of the power of ideals and the need to actually fight for them to effect change.