Octopussy and the Living Daylights
Octopussy and the Living Daylights
‘Octopussy and the Living Daylights’ is the fourteenth and final novel in Ian Fleming’s James Bond series. The work is a collection of short stories that were published posthumously after Ian Flemings death. The short stories are: ‘Octopussy’, ‘The Living Daylights’, ‘The Property of a Lady’, and ‘007 in New York’.
In Octopussy, Bond is sent to bring in a renegade British soldier who found and horded Nazi gold after the Second World War. The Living Daylights centers around a sniper mission Bond is sent on to assist a British agent infiltrating East Germany.
The Property of a Lady takes place at a London auction house, where a suspected Soviet double agent is selling a Faberge egg. Bond believes the KGB's top man in the UK will be there to drive the price of the egg up. 007 in New York describes a relatively simple mission, where Bond must alert a British Agent that her boyfriend is a Soviet spy.