History of the Peloponnesian War
History of the Peloponnesian War
Thucydides was from the Greek Ionian city of Miletus. He lived through the war and was a general for Athens. He wrote this work about the Peloponnesian War knowing it was not going to be popular with many readers, but he wanted to record what truly happened so that future generations would know. Thucydides did not live long enough to witness the end of the war, but his historical narrative was continued by Xenophon in his work titled ‘Hellenica’.
Thucydides wrote about the causes of the Peloponnesian War and how it was brought on. He explained the alliances that were made between different Greek cities and how they changed over time. He discussed all of the battles, strategies, victories, and losses relating to both sides. He also included some personal stories of individuals affected by the war.
When writing this work Thucydides reveals his disdain for ancient history writers like Herodotus, who romanticized events of the past. Thucydides writes as an impartial observer to create a detailed factual account of events during the war. This book is worth reading because we can learn about how to avoid war and the devastating effects it has on all those involved as well as those who are not even involved but are affected by its aftermath.