The satirical-philosophical novel centers around the life of Candide – the illegitimate nephew of a German baron whose daughter Lady Cunégonde becomes the kind-hearted young man’s romantic interest. Candide lives in the baron’s castle, where he meets Pangloss, the tutor. Pangloss tells his students they live in the “best of all possible worlds” and that everything is always for the best.
A series of misfortunes befall Candide after he is discovered kissing Cunégonde. He gets thrown out of the castle, is conscripted into the Bulgur army, punished, and then escapes to Holland, where he is reunited with his old teacher. On a trip to Lisbon, they find Cunégonde trapped in sex slavery.
Candide rescues Cunégonde. They head to South America where Cunégonde marries the local governor. Candide visits Eldorado, amassing riches, and reunites with Cunégonde and Pangloss. Candide’s adventures take him around the world, only to find that – contrary to what Pangloss had said – all is not always for the best.
To this day, Candide remains Voltaire’s most celebrated work. ‘Candide’ is the embodiment of Voltaire’s bitter aversion to the tyrannical influence of the Church and his strong criticism of the Enlightenment and the aristocracy during his time.