Bulfinch's Mythology: Complete Works
Bulfinch's Mythology: Complete Works
Thomas Bulfinch published this famous mythology series in three parts. Bulfinch's Mythology is the ultimate collection of myths and legends from ancient Europe, stories that have inspired countless generations. This timeless masterpiece provides a fascinating window into the beliefs and values that shaped the European imagination and the modern world.
This collection was originally presented as three titles, with each volume featuring different stories for the ages. The three titles were posthumously combined into a single volume in 1881, under the name Bulfinch's Mythology.
The Age of Fable was originally published in 1855 to great acclaim. It covered the ancient stories of Greece and Rome, presenting exciting stories from eternal Gods and familiar heroes like Zeus and Hercules.
The Age of Chivalry was published in 1858, covering stories from the British Isles. This volume describes the mediæval world of knights and castles, including the legends of King Arthur, the stories of the Mabinogeon, and the hero myths of the British people.
Legends of Charlemagne was published in 1863. This volume explores the epic tales of Charlemagne and his 12 peers. These legendary Christian knights fought against the Saracen invasion of Europe, led by the famous figure of Roland.