Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt
The book Ancient Egypt is the product of a collaboration between Arthur Gilman, a well-known author of historical works, and George Rawlinson, a 19th-century English scholar and historian. The comprehensive illustrated work was originally published in 1886 and contains 27 chapters. It initially starts with a presentation of the geographical and other physical features of the ancient land known as Egypt, and ends with a chapter called “The Light Goes Out in Darkness.” Here, the authors describe the decline and inglorious end of Egypt in the person of Nekht-nebf, the last king of what was once a vast, great kingdom.
The material presented in the book provides a comprehensive overview of Ancient Egyptian life. It relates its antiquities to the country's early history and highlights the culture of the ancient Egyptian people. It discusses all aspects of ancient Egyptian society, including the customs, mores, art, science, literature, and belief system during that time.
Ancient Egypt provides a thorough overview of the great kingdom on the Nile, in addition to a detailed account of the major historical developments in Egypt. It covers the period where the monarchy was established up until the collapse of what once was a powerful empire. Recognized globally as a significant work of non-fiction, Ancient Egypt continues to inform and fascinate readers who want to gain an intimate knowledge of Egyptian history and culture.![Ancient Egypt](