Written around 441 B.C., Antigone is a play written by the Greek Tragedian Sophocles. The Tragedy takes place in the ancient city of Thebes, after the Theban Civil War, and follows the noble heroine Antigone. After the death of her brother Polynices, Antigone wishes to give him a proper burial against the decree of her Uncle Creon-the ruler of Thebes.
Creon insists that he shall have no burial as Polynices was a traitor of the state. Antigone must decide if she will honor her brother and betray Creon’s law, or if she will remain loyal to the state. In this riveting tale of justice, betrayal and civil disobedience, Antigone must discover the true meaning of fidelity among family; while Creon must learn the consequences to his actions, even when they seem right at the time.