Fresh from victory over the city of Troy, the victorious Greek army is returning home. King Agamemnon is at the height of his power, the Greek world surrounding the Aegean Sea lies under his dominion. However, not all is well for the great king.
Upon his homecoming, Agamemnon’s house is almost instantly thrown into domestic feuds as his wife Queen Clytemnestra is introduced to his new concubine, Cassandra. Clytemnestra has designs of her own and plots with her lover Aegisthus, to murder Agamemnon and Cassandra. The Greek world will never be the same.
Agamemnon is the first of three plays written by Aeschylus as part of the Oresteia trilogy. The Libation Bearers, and Eumenides complete the trilogy. The trilogy completes the stories of Agamemnon, Queen Clytemnestra, and their son Orestes.